Academic Courses » AVID & General Elective Courses

AVID & General Elective Courses

Image of AVID and other elective course pathways for class of 2021 and beyond

Del Mar High School offers the following AVID and General Elective courses*.

AVID 9, AVID 10, AVID 11/TOK+ and AVID 12/TOK+
Grade 9-12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - Elective (g) for AVID 11/12
AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.  The AVID program serves students in the academic middle who are often the first in their family to attend college. At Del Mar, AVID teaches students time management, note taking, organization and study skills. As AVID students progress through high school, they are supported in all aspects of the college application process.
AVID 9: Freshmen AVID students focus on a successful transition to high school. The emphasis for the 9th grade year is on earning a high GPA, developing strong study habits, getting involved in extra curricular activities, and staying organized. 
AVID 10: Sophomore AVID students continue to focus on developing the same skills as those in AVID 9. AVID Sophomores spend a significant portion of their sophomore year participating in the Road Trip Nation curriculum. Road Trip Nation helps students identify possible career interests and culminates in an interview of a community member who currently works in a career of interest for each student. Sophomores also study for the PSAT and take a field trip to at least one university.
AVID 11/TOK +: Students in AVID 11/TOK are dual enrolled in the AVID and IB Theory of Knowledge course. The Theory of Knowledge portion of the course explores the question: How do we know what we know? This course focuses on college level writing and presenting skills. The AVID portion of the course focuses on supporting students in researching best fit colleges. By the end of Junior year students have developed their college apply list and written a rough draft of their college essays. Students also register and study for the SAT and ACT, which they will take in the spring of their Junior year. All eligible AVID Juniors also attend an overnight college field trip in the spring and visit four universities. 
AVID 12/TOK +: Students in AVID 12/TOK continue with the second year of the IB Theory of Knowledge course. Students complete their TOK essay and presentation which is the final assessment for this course. The AVID portion of the course guides students through the entire college application process including: completing college applications, applying for scholarships and financial aid, and continuing to study for the SAT and ACT which students will take in the fall of their Senior year. Students also prepare for college level work and a successful transition to college life. Eligible AVID Seniors also have the opportunity to attend an overnight college field trip in early fall to visit four more universities.
+ UC/CSU Honors (Weighted)
IB Design Technology SL
Grade 11-12; A-G Requirement - Phys Science; UC/CSU Designation - Lab Science (d), Elective (g)

This is a one-year course that will introduce students to the techniques of design as practiced by engineers. The course will include a mixture of societal-focused topics, such as sustainable production and product life cycles, and technical engineering work, such as 2D and 3D modeling and production techniques. Through hands-on projects, students will develop the habits and skills of an engineer.

A students IB score for this course is based on two external assessments and one internal assessment. The external assessments are written exams comprised of multiple-choice and free-response questions taken at the end of the year. The internal assessment requires each student to complete a design project in which they identify a problem leading to a design opportunity, generate and evaluate potential solutions to the problem, develop a detailed product design proposal, and create and test a product prototype. Prerequisite: Students must have completed the two years of science required under the ‘D’ category of the A-G college eligibility requirements. Students must have shown proficiency in each of these courses.

Prerequisite: Students must have completed and demonstrated proficiency in the two years of science required under the ‘D’ category of the A-G college eligibility requirements.

EdOptions (Credit Recovery)
Grade 9-12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - None
Ed Options is an online class that students take to make up a course grade and is offered for various subjects. Successful completion of an Ed Options course allows the student to recover credits needed for graduation or to meet A-G eligibility.  Please speak with your Guidance Counselor for more information.
Generation YES
Grade 9-12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - Elective (g) Pending

GenYES is a digital survey course that is designed to help students develop the knowledge, skills, values, and experience that will help them succeed in an increasingly digital world. Students will develop a strong understanding of the 21st century tools and applications to help them succeed and also assist others navigate technology in the educational setting and beyond. This course is based on the curriculum developed by Generation YES, a nationally acclaimed organization.

To learn more, please contact Ms. Chase at [email protected].
Leadership (ASB)
Grade 9-12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - None
The leadership class is designed to facilitate the Student Government program (ASB). The class is intended to provide time for Associated Student Body (ASB) members to accomplish their goals and duties as representatives of the student body. Students develop their leadership skills in long and short term goal setting, time management/ organization, communication, leadership, school and community service, interpersonal relations, problem solving, team building, and evaluation and reflection.
Math Workshop
Grade 9-12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - None
This course is currently under review and a description will be available soon.  Please speak with your Guidance Counselor for information.
Peer Tutor
Grade 11-12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - None
This course will provide an opportunity for advanced students to work as peer tutors in a variety of courses where extra assistance may be needed for individual or group of students. Peer Tutors will learn leadership and teaching skills and be able to provide academic assistance to peers. Peer 
Tutors will be encouraged to think critically and offer constructive feedback to the teacher and peers.

Required: Recommendation by teacher and/or administration.
Physical Education - Elective
Grade 11-12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - None
Students who have successfully completed two years of physical education may take Elective Physical Education. This class focuses on lifelong fitness, recreation activities, and weight training with emphasis on strength building and conditioning.
Prerequisite: Two years of physical education.
Grade 12; A-G Requirement - Social Science; UC/CSU Designation - Elective (g)
Psychology is the study of behavior and the examples of areas to be studied include learning and intelligence, problem solving, emotions, motivation, perception, sensation, personality development, and the ethics and methods of research. Students will develop skills in psychological research and methods.  Career choices in the field of psychology will also be examined.
IB Psychology SL +
Grade 11-12; A-G Requirement - History/Soc Science; UC/CSU Designation - Elective (g)

This is a one-year course that asks the fundamental questions of “Why do people behave the way that they do in certain situations?” and “How can people change their behaviors?” The course emphasizes historically significant research and research methodology. Students are expected to develop their critical thinking and research skills throughout the course. Each student will be required to complete an “Internal Assessment.” The Internal Assessment includes researching background information, planning, and conducting a research experiment.  UC/CSU Weighted.

Part 1: Levels of Analysis—Biological, Cognitive, Socio-cultural. Students focus on understanding the biological, cognitive and socio-cultural influences on human behavior and explore alternative explanations of behavior.

Part 2: Option (but not optional)—Developmental Psychology: To what extent do Biological, Cognitive, and Socio-cultural factors influence development? Evaluate psychological research relevant to developmental psychology.

Part 3: Research Methodology—Methodology is a significant part of the course. The internal assessment is based on these topics: Introduction to research methods, ethics, and quantitative research methods. Research methodology will be ingrained and significant to each of the segments of IB Psychology, with a focus on ethics and ethical treatment of research participants.

Part 4: Simple experimental study—knowledge of research methods will be applied in the study and ethics and the use of quantitative research methods are required elements. Students will design and replicate a significant psychology research experiment.

+ UC/CSU Honors (Weighted)

Grade 11-12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - Elective (g)
This course is the systematic and scientific study of human behavior, social groups, and society. Students will examine the personal and institutional forces that shape everyday life, behavior, and social values. Students will develop a sense of social behaviors that exist or have existed in the world and demonstrate their understanding through interviews, simulations, role playing and analysis of current events. Career choices in the field of Sociology will also be examined.
Student Aide
Grade 10-12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - None
The student assistant program offers a variety of work-based activities to reliable and mature students. The student may serve in the following positions: classroom aide, laboratory assistant, library and office clerk. The course is 2.5 units, and students are given a pass/fail grade only.  
Theory of Knowledge +
Grade 11 & 12; A-G Requirement - General Elective; UC/CSU Designation - Elective (g)

TOK is a two-year course about critical thinking and inquiring into the process of knowing, rather than about learning a specific body of knowledge. The TOK course examines how we know what we claim to know. It does this by encouraging students to analyze knowledge claims and explore knowledge questions. There are two assessment tasks in the TOK course: an essay and a presentation. The essay is externally assessed by the IB, and must be on any one of the six prescribed titles by the IB for each examination session. The presentation, done individually or in a group, is internally assessed by the teacher.

+ UC/CSU Honors (Weighted) - Year 1 & 2

Note: Priority registration will be given to IB Diploma Programme Candidates. 

* For more specific course details, please refer to the 2023-24 CUHSD Course Catalog. Should you require additional information, please speak with your teacher or your Guidance Counselor.