Alumni Information

Looking for the next Del Mar alumni reunion? (Click here to expand)
Looking for the next Del Mar alumni reunion?
Some information about upcoming Del Mar High School reunions may be available on Alumni Class* at: Here you can register to stay informed, reconnect and catch up with your high school friends and teachers. A small registration fee is required to use Alumni Class' features, as this alumni website is not financially sponsored by Del Mar High School.
Alumni photos courtesy of Linda Goytia - CUHSD Trustee and former Del Mar teacher (Click here to expand)
Alumni in the news (Click here to view)
Former Del Mar student, James Bohnett, is in the news!
"Some of you may remember James Bohnett from his time at DMHS. He is continuing to be a tremendously positive influence in the world! So proud of this former "band cherub!" (William Burkhead)

Former Del Mar Don and MU senior James Bohnett can often be seen racing around campus from various classes to MizzouRec. As a member of MU's wheelchair basketball team for five years, he balances early morning practices with a heavy academic load. James will graduate in May with four bachelor’s degrees, one each in political science, economics, mathematics and statistics. (Adapted from original article by Sarah Sabatke, University of Missouri Student Affairs News:
Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external link sites referenced on this web page. External link sites are not supervised by or within the control of CUHSD or Del Mar High School.
Please note alumni reunion / event information is provided by external parties and listed here for reference purposes only. Del Mar High School is not responsible for the organization of these events and details are not guaranteed for accuracy.