Contact Us & Connect » Contacts & Communication

Contacts & Communication

Who to Contact for Help

Below is a list of contacts for students and families for the 2024-25 school year. For general information, please contact the main office at [email protected], or by phone at 408-626-3403.

Connect with us - Staff, Newsletter and Social Media

We offer families various ways to communicate with staff and stay informed about all happenings at Del Mar. Please use the quick links below to connect.
Should you have any additional questions, concerns or need assistance, please contact the main office at [email protected] or by phone at 408-626-3403.

Del Mar High School Social Media Policy

Del Mar High School operates its social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram,) in accordance with the Campbell Union High School District Social Media Board Policy. The purpose of Del Mar High School's official Facebook page, Twitter account, and Instagram account, is to promote Del Mar High School’s vision and mission, support student and parent learning, and inform the community on initiatives, activities or operations of Del Mar High School. These sites are regularly monitored and any inappropriate posts or comments will be promptly removed. Inappropriate posts include those that: 1) are obscene, libelous, or so incite students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school premises, violation of school rules, or substantial disruption of the school's orderly operation; 2) are not related to the stated purpose of the site, including, but not limited to, comments of a commercial nature, political activity, and comments that constitute discrimination or harassment. Del Mar High School expects users will communicate in a respectful, courteous, and professional manner. Users are personally responsible for the content of their comments and Del Mar High School is not responsible for the content of external online platforms. The views and comments expressed on this site are those of the users and do not necessarily reflect the views of Del Mar High School. Any user's reference to a specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation of that product or service by Del Mar High School. Please contact our Administrative Team at [email protected] regarding violation of these guidelines or questions about our social media platforms.