Wellness Center
If you or someone you know is in need of immediate support,
please call 988 or text HOME to 741741
Welcome to the Wellness Center!

The Wellness Center welcomes all students. It is a safe place to go where our school Social Worker is available to provide support services to students, on an appointment basis. The center is open to all students before school, during break, lunch and after school, so we encourage you to stop by and visit during those times.
We would like to thank the CUHSD Education Foundation for their recent generous grant. It will help our center provide additional support materials and an even more comfortable space for our students.
Wellness Center Social Worker - Katie Taylor

About Ms. Taylor: "I am excited to join the Del Mar Don's this school year. I am an Associate Clinical Social Worker (ASW #105849) and will be working with students through Del Mar's Wellness Center. I was raised in Santa Clara and have lived in the CUHSD boundaries for 24 years.
I come from the Santa Clara County Office of Education, where I was supporting another high school's Wellness Center. I really love working with youth, celebrating their independence and increased responsibility, and helping them navigate the sometimes challenging emotions and experiences that come with growing up.
I enjoy having an active home. My spouse and I have three adult children and are caregivers for two elementary aged children. We are foster volunteers for the Humane Society, which fills our home year-round with kittens and puppies. I enjoy spending time outside, working in the garden or sitting on the patio, completing a puzzle.
I'm looking forward to engaging with all the students and staff at Del Mar this year! Stop by Room K-4 or e-mail me at [email protected] for more information about available supports."
Ms. Taylor's Alma Maters: B.A. and M.A. in Social Work and PPSC - San Jose State University.
Cassy Counselor Located in the Wellness Center - Nancy Vargas

To make an appointment with a CASSY Therapist, students need to see their School Counselor first or complete a request form in the Wellness Center.
One on one counseling is provided to our students through a district partnership with CASSY (Counseling and Support Services for Youth). CASSY is a nonprofit agency that partners with schools to provide professional mental health services to students in their academic setting. Our therapists are compassionate, competent and conveniently located right on campus. All services are free to our students and their parents. For more information on CASSY, please visit: https://cassybayarea.org/
Please feel free to contact Ms. Nancy, Del Mar's Cassy Counselor, at [email protected].
Wellness Center Referral Form
To make an appointment with a the Social Worker, students need to submit the following confidential form. Parents, staff and students may also refer a student using this form.
Access the form using the QR code below, or clicking on this link: Wellness Center Referral Form
Mental Health and Crisis Support Resources
For a list of mental health, wellness and crisis support resources, please visit: https://delmar.cuhsd.org/apps/pages/mentalhealthresources.
Virtual Wellness Center
CUHSD offers a Virtual Wellness Center at https://www.cuhsd.org/apps/pages/WellnessApps. Here you may click around to explore the different links and resources to help you relax, unwind, get connected, and find new strategies and tools for managing stress and emotions. You can also visit the calming room for links to guided meditations and other calming resources.
Wellness Apps
CUHSD offers a number of Wellness Apps that can help with mental health and wellness. To explore the options available, please visit https://www.cuhsd.org/apps/pages/WellnessApps.
MARCH 2025 - Youth in Leadership Conference
This month, Ms. Taylor is offering information about the Youth In Action Conference - a free conference for youth (ages 13-18) to connect, learn, and build a collective consciousness. Learn about social change, healthy relationships, and student mental wellness. Those in attendance can earn six and a half (6) volunteer/service hours.
Please see the flyer* below for more information. To attend, students may sign up by completing this form.
Below you will also find information about Teen Talk - a space for young people at the Bill Wilson Center*. Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Taylor if you need further assistance.
Click here to view March flyers*
FEBRUARY 2025 - Healthy Relationships Workshop and Human Rights Campaign
This month, Ms. Taylor is offering a Healthy Relationships Workshop on February 11th. Please see the flyer below. To sign up, please scan the QR code or complete this form.
Below you will also find information from the Human Rights Campaign: Facing the Future Together (Post-Election FAQs, Guidance and Resources for LGBTQ+ Youth)*. Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Taylor if you need further assistance.
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Click here to view February flyer*
JANUARY 2025 Mental Health and Wellness Informational Flyers*
Below you will find flyers where you can learn more about this month's Program Spotlight - Eating Disorder Resource Center (EDRC) - where a volunteer opportunity is available as well as a multimedia contest.*
Click here to view January flyers*
DECEMBER 2024 Mental Health and Wellness Informational Flyers*
Below you will find flyers where you can learn more about Soluna, Teen Line, and the 988 Crisis and Suicide Prevention Lifeline of Santa Clara County. Additional information may be found at the following websites*:
1) Soluna App
3) Teen Line
Click here to view December flyers*
NOVEMBER 2024 Mental Health and Wellness Informational Flyers*
Below you will find flyers where you can learn more about Teen Mental Health First Aid and how to become trained in this area. Additional information may be found at the following websites*:
Click here to view November flyers*
* Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external informational flyers and link sites referenced on this web page. Informational flyers and external link sites are offered for public benefit and not supervised by or within the control of CUHSD or Del Mar High School.