Student Support Services » Wellness Center

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center Newsletters sent via ParentSquare can also be found on this webpage in the bottom section.

Welcome to the Wellness Center!

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The Wellness Center welcomes all students. It is a safe place to go where our school Social Worker is available to provide support services to students, on an appointment basis.  The Wellness Center is open to all students before school, during break, lunch and after school, so we encourage you to stop by and visit during those times.
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We would like to thank the CUHSD Education Foundation for their recent generous grant. It will help our center provide additional support materials and an even more comfortable space for our students.

Wellness Center Referral Form

To make an appointment with a the Social Worker, students need to submit the following confidential form. Parents, staff and students may also refer a student using this form. 

Faring Well From Home - the Virtual Wellness Center

Visit the Virtual Wellness Center as a way to connect to calming tools and activities when you need to take a break, rest, and refocus. Click on a blue link below*. Need more ideas?
del mar wellness center is a safe space
Wellness Center Newsletter | May 2024
Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in Americans’ lives and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. According to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing: 

  • 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year.

  • Only 47.2% of U.S. adults with mental illness received treatment in 2021.

  • 1 in 20 U.S. adults experience serious mental illness each year.

  • Only 65.4% of U.S. adults with serious mental illness received treatment in 2021.

  • 1 in 6 U.S. youth have a mental health condition, but only half receive treatment.

  • 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24.

If you or know someone who needs support with mental health, these are available options:

  • Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services: 855-278-4204 or text 'RENEW' to 741741

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call or text 9-8-8

  • Downtown Youth Wellness Center
    725 East Santa Clara Street 
    Suite 105 
    San Jose, CA 95112
    (408) 961-4645

  • Hope Drop In Center
        232 East Gish Road
        San Jose, CA
        (408) 876-4284
        Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
        Tuesday and Friday 10:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.

  • Del Mar Wellness Center

The end of the school year is approaching which means final exams are right around the corner. For most high school students, this can be a very stressful time. Here are some tips from the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) that can hopefully provide some support in coping with the stress of finals:

  • Make a study schedule
    • Schedules are good to make a list of what needs to be done and to manage your time more effectively. 
  • Stay connected with friends
    • Friends can be a great support system. Spending some time with them can provide a good break to relieve some stress.
  • Get enough sleep
    • Teens needs approximately 7-9 hours of sleep every night. A lack of sleep can worsen stress.
  • Try to relax
    • If you've been on schedule with studying, give yourself an opportunity to relax by doing something you enjoy. Going outside for a walk is a good way to relax.
  • Exercise
    • Try doing a physical activity for at least 20 minutes as exercising can reduce stress. 
  • Eat well
    • Fruits, vegetables and proteins are good to eat to stay energized.
  • And remember what comes after finals: Vacation!
    • After you're done with finals, you'll be that much closer to summer vacation!
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* Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be held responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external links or resources referenced in this newsletter. These items are offered for public benefit and not supervised by CUHSD or Del Mar High School.
del mar wellness center is a safe space
Wellness Center Newsletter | April 2024
Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month and a good time to think about the stress you’re under and how to manage it in a healthy manner. Stress is a normal response to life’s changes, pressure’s and challenges. Everything from everyday hassles to major life changes can cause stress. It can affect the body in many different ways. Physically, your hormones speed up heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism. Mentally, stress can cause anxiety, depression, and irritability. As we're right around the corner from the last day of school and finals approaching, it is definitely a good time to learn techniques to cope with stress.


What can you do to manage stress?

  • Talk about problems with others.

  • Take deep breaths, accompanied by thinking or saying aloud, “I can handle this.”

  • Set small goals and break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.

  • Exercise and eat regular meals.

  • Get proper sleep.

  • Focus on what you can control (your reactions, your actions) and let go of what you cannot (other people’s opinions and expectations).

Link for Tools to Manage Stress

Visit the Wellness Center April 24th  during lunch to make your own stress ball!

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* Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be held responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external links or resources referenced in this newsletter. These items are offered for public benefit and not supervised by CUHSD or Del Mar High School.

del mar wellness center is a safe space
Wellness Center Newsletter | March 2024

Self-Harm Awareness Month

March 1 is Self-Harm Awareness Day but mental health professionals and advocates have made the month of March a month of promoting awareness and education about helping those who struggle with self-harm. Self-harm, or also known as, non-suicidal self-injury, or self-mutilation is the act of harming oneself without the intent to commit suicide. Someone who self-harms however, can have thoughts of suicide outside of the self-harming behavior. 

Self-harm is also closely associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Some of the reasons individuals self-harm can range from wanting to counteract the emotional pain one is going through, feeling guilty or unworthy, as a way of distracting unwanted thoughts, and as a form of emotional regulation. Individuals between 15 - 24 are the most likely to self-harm.


If you, or think someone you know is self-harming, please seek help. Reach out to a trusted adult. Here at Del Mar, you can submit a referral to the Wellness Center. The Wellness Center can provide linkages to therapy services either here on campus or in the community. Provided below, are some important contact information for immediate support:


Pacific Clinics Mobile Crisis: 1-408-379-9085


Safe Alternatives Help Line: 1-800-366-8288



March is self-harm awareness month. Effective School Solution. 2023, March 27.

Self-harm assessment. Therapistaid.
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* Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be held responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external links or resources referenced in this newsletter. These items are offered for public benefit and not supervised by CUHSD or Del Mar High School.

del mar wellness center is a safe space
Wellness Center Newsletter | February 2024

Black History Month

Hello Del Mar,

February is Black History Month and there are numerous Black Americans that have contributed to the mental health field. From the website,  Mental Health America , here are some of those individuals:

    Bebe Moore Campbell  was an American author, journalist, teacher, and mental health advocate who worked tirelessly to shed light on the mental health needs of the Black community and other underrepresented communities. She founded NAMI-Inglewood in a predominantly Black neighborhood to create a space that was safe for Black people to talk about mental health concerns.

    In 1969,  E. Kitch Childs helped to found the Association for Women in Psychology. She was also a founding member of Chicago's Gay Liberation Front. In addition to being a leader for women in psychology and the LGBTQ+ community, she also owned her own practice in which she provided therapy to LGBTQ+ folks, people living with HIV/AIDS, and other marginalized members of her community. 

    Mamie Phipps Clark  was the first African American woman to earn a doctorate degree in psychology from Columbia University. She previously earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Howard University. Her experience in college and specifically graduate-level courses helped her realize the shortage of psychological services available to the African American community and other minorities.

    Joseph L. White  is sometimes referred to as "the father of Black psychology." He wrote the groundbreaking article "Toward a Black Psychology," which is credited as being the first-ever strengths-based (rather than deficit-based) evaluation and description of Black behavior and culture.



Random Acts of Kindness Week

Random Acts of Kindness week falls on February 11- 17 this year. It is a week to celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness. Research shows that helping others can be good for our mental health. It reduces stress, improves our emotional well-being and even benefits our physical health. More specifically, doing acts of kindness have been proven to decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety while also improving self-esteem. 

On Wednesday, February 14 during lunch, the Wellness Center will be providing free stationary so students can make a card for someone who you appreciate. Tell them what makes them special, how they brighten your day, or that they are doing a great job!


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* Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be held responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external links or resources referenced in this newsletter. These items are offered for public benefit and not supervised by CUHSD or Del Mar High School.

del mar wellness center is a safe space
Wellness Center Newsletter | January 2024

Mental Wellness Month

Hello Del Mar,

January is Mental Wellness month. The holidays can be stressful and this month can be used to focus on recharging and planning for how to take care of yourself for the new year! To improve your mental wellness, pay attention to how you’re 
feeling, find a purpose, and develop/maintain healthy habits.


The Wellness Center will be hosting a wellness lunch time activity on Friday, January 19. If you are interested in participating, you need to  register beforehand as there will be only a limited number of spots open. 



Goal Setting

With the start of a new year, many people decide to set goals for themselves. While making goals for yourself can have a positive impact on your mental health, it can be hard to make progress towards them. It can be even more challenging if you struggle with mental health and lack motivation. However, there are certain ways to create goals that can better prepare you to achieve them. 

  1. Identify Areas for Improvement

    1. Don’t overwhelm yourself by choosing too many goals. Having 1-2 goals is a reasonable amount. Choose areas in your life that you want to improve and not what you think other people want you to improve.

    2. Be optimistic. Try to reframe negative self-talk into positive self-talk. It will be challenging enough to make progress towards your goal(s) that negative self-talk will make it all the more difficult.

    3. If you have more than one goal, prioritize which one you’d like to focus on first. Break down goals. Breaking down goals into smaller ones, can make it more manageable to achieve. 

    4. Create S.M.A.R.T. goals. 

      1. Specific

        • simple, what do you want to achieve?

      2. Measurable

        • trackable in order to determine if progress is being made

      3. Attainable

        • identify a realistic goal

      4. Relevant

        • should be important to you and be motivated to work towards it

      5. Time-bound

        • putting a time limit of when goal should be accomplished



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* Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be held responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external links or resources referenced in this newsletter. These items are offered for public benefit and not supervised by CUHSD or Del Mar High School.

del mar wellness center is a safe space
Wellness Center Newsletter | November - December 2023

Grief and the Holidays

Hello Del Mar,

The holidays are most commonly thought of as one of the more happier times of the year. However, for a lot of people it can be a very sad and difficult time if you've lost a close loved one. It is nearly impossible to avoid all the cheer and festivities surrounding you, which can be a very triggering experience. Here are some tips to help you get through the holidays:

  • Accept your feelings 
    • It is OK to feel WHATEVER it is that you are feeling. Don’t feel like you have to know what the “right” way of feeling is because there is no “right” way, there’s only what you feel. 
  • Maintain healthy habits
    • Try to get a good amount of sleep, don’t skip meals, and try your best to keep up with any type of exercise routine you may have. 
  • Set boundaries
    • If doing something or going somewhere might be triggering for you because it is a painful reminder, try to avoid them and/or replace them by doing something else instead. 
  • Make time to connect
    • Spend time with the people you care about but also make time for yourself. Find a way to connect to your loved one(s) you’ve lost by doing something that reminds you of them.

If you would like additional grief support, below are some community resources you can reach:
Books to read about grief:
  • Straight Talk about Death for Teenagers: How to Cope with Losing Someone You Love by E.A. Grollman
  • Fire in My Heart, Ice in My Veins: A Journal for Teenagers Experiencing a Loss by E. Samuel Traisman
  • You Are Not Alone: Teens Talk About Life After the Loss of a Parent by L. Hughes
  • The Grieving Teen: A Guide for Teenagers and Their Friends by H. Fitzgerald

Transgender Awareness Week (11/13 - 11/19)

November 13 through November 19 is a week when transgender people and their allies take action to bring attention to the community by educating the public about who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that affect the transgender community.

On November 16, a representative from The LGBTQ Youth Space will be on campus during lunch to provide information and resources about the agency. Please stop by the Wellness Center for this visit!

Here are some LGBTQ+ community resources:


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* Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be held responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external links or resources referenced in this newsletter. These items are offered for public benefit and not supervised by CUHSD or Del Mar High School.

del mar wellness center is a safe space
Wellness Center Newsletter | October 2023

Find some calm in your Del Mar Day

Hello, Del Mar, and hopefully all of you have been having a good start to the year. This is the first ever monthly Wellness Center Newsletter. The mission of the newsletter is to provide education about emotional well-being including coping skills and strategies.
For those of you not familiar with Del Mar's Wellness Center, it is located in building K, next to room 5. You can drop in before and after school and during brunch and lunch. The Center is a welcoming space for all students and uses guidelines. To visit the Wellness Center outside of drop in hours, or to refer a friend/student, please fill out the referral form. Should you need any additional support, please reach out to our onsite Social Worker, Ms. Tina Hatef.
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In this safe space, your mental health is our priority

(Video also available at:


Tips to help you have a successful school year

Time Management
  • make a list - write down all the things you need to do and then prioritize them
  • work on completing your list - give yourself an amount of time and commit
  • create time for self care daily - you can take 5 minutes or 30 minutes to do something you enjoy
Read more about time management*

Find a trusted adult
  • a parent, relative, teacher, or counselor
  • a person that is respectful, non-judgmental, helpful and trustworthy
  • make a plan about how you want to begin the conversation and identify somewhere you feel comfortable with
Read more about finding a trusted adult*

NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness
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Wellness Pledge Wall - October 23rd

red ribbon week
October 23 - 31 is Red Ribbon week, which promotes living a drug free lifestyle!

On Monday, October 23, the Wellness Center will be hosting a Pledge Wall as well as giving away some goodies. Please stop by during lunch and check it out! Below are some resources to help with quitting drug use.

Tobacco/Vape Resources

Kick It CA
Call 1-800-300-8086 (English)
Call 1-800-600-8198 (Spanish)
Text “Quit Vaping” or “No Vapear” to 66819

Truth Initiative
Text “DITCHVAPE” to 88709

SmokeFree Teen
Text “QUIT” to 47848
My Life My Quit
Text “Start My Quit” to 36072

Alcohol & Other Drugs Support

SAMHSA’s National Helpline
Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services
Call center 1-800-704-0900
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* Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be held responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external links or resources referenced in this newsletter. These items are offered for public benefit and not supervised by CUHSD or Del Mar High School.
* Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external link sites referenced on this web page. External link sites are offered for public benefit and not supervised by or within the control of CUHSD or Del Mar High School.