Clubs at Del Mar » Clubs at Del Mar

Clubs at Del Mar

All students are encouraged to join a club and have fun!

There are many clubs* at Del Mar. To learn more about a club, its meeting information, officer(s) and faculty advisor, click on the club name below. For additional information, please contact our Interim Activities Director, Ms. Jackson, at [email protected].
2024-25 Class Class Advisor Meeting Day Meeting Room
Freshman Class Ms. Jackson Monday (2nd of the month) Room 34
Sophomore Class Mr. Dixon Tuesday (2nd of the month) Room 72
Junior Class Ms. Stevenson Wednesday (1st of the month) Room 30
Senior Class Ms. Chatfield Wednesday (2nd of the month) Room 4
Clubs Club Advisor Meeting Day Meeting Room
Art Club Ms. Masterman Alston Thursday (weekly) Room 21
Asian American & Pacific Islander Student Union (APSU) Mrs. Wan / Mr. Lee Thursday (bi monthly) Room 37
Best Buddies Mr. Ghazanfari Thursday (1st of the month) Gym
Black Student Union (BSU) Ms. Wadlington Wednesday (bi monthly) Room 62
BlenderBots Robotics Club Ms. Rabasca Friday (weekly) Room 64
Christian Student Union Ms. Jackson Friday (bi weekly) Room 34
Corridos Club Ms. Davison Wednesday (bi weekly) Room 40
Dons Crew Ms. Schwartz Wednesday (bi monthly) Room 29
Equity Club Dr. K Tuesday (1st & 3rd of the month) Room 42
Filipino Student Union Ms. Tiqui Wed (2nd & 4th of the month) Room 8
Interact Club
Ms. Dunphy
Tuesday (bi monthly) Room 65
Key Club Ms. Schwartz Friday (1st & 3rd of the month) Room 29
Leo's Club Ms. Stevenson Friday (last of the month) Room 30
Lovely Blooms Mr. Grover Every Tuesday & Friday Garden
Model UN Ms. Carachure Monday (1st & last of the month) Room 3
Meat Club Mx. Crossno Wednesday (bi monthly) Kitchen
NICA (Nicaraguan Club) Ms. Jackson Thursday (weekly) Room 15
Pokemon! Showdown! Ms. Carachure Wednesday (weekly) Room 3
Read it & Weep Book Club Mr. Heim Mon (1st of the month) Room 33
Sexuality & Gender Alliance (SAGA) Ms. Biggs Thursday (weekly) Room 60
Shuffle 'n Deal Mr. Lee Monday (bi monthly) Room 72
Slavic & Central Asian Student Union Mr. Bambusa Friday (weekly) Room 7
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish Honor Society) Ms. Chacon Thursday (2nd of the month) Room 12
Sustainable Society Dr. K Tuesday (2nd & 4th of the month) Room 42
Vietnamese Student Union Mr. Bambusa Tuesday (2nd & 4th of the month) Room 7

* Note: Club Advisors and meeting information are subject to change. Additional clubs will be added as they are approved.

Would you like to start a new Club?

Please visit the Activities/Club Forms webpage and complete the paperwork required to get your club started.  Access all forms at: