Dual Enrollment- Del Mar & West Valley

Dual Enrollment- Del Mar & West Valley
11/30/2023, 5:00 PM 6:30 PM

CUHSD Partners with West Valley College to Offer FREE College Classes!


This program offers students many benefits.

  • Dual Enrollment is open to students entering grades 10, 11 and 12.
  • Opportunity to make up credits needed for high school graduation, explore college courses, and earn a head start on college.  
  • Courses and textbooks are FREE to students, and course offerings change each term.
  • Students earn both high school and college credit: each 3-unit West Valley course gives 10 high school credits.
  • Courses and units earned transfer to both West Valley College as well as other colleges and universities.
  • For MATH 2: Precalculus Algebra & Trigonometry: students must have successfully completed Integrated Math 3.

Learn more on November 30th:

Join West Valley for an information session on Thursday November 30th at 5:00pm on Zoomhttps://wvm-edu.zoom.us/j/93730575231?pwd=dGh2NG5LZjFlZUtkbThscTFQcVpZUT09&from=addon


Application Deadline for Spring 2024

  • Friday December 8th, 2023

For more information, visit https://delmar.cuhsd.org/apps/pages/westvalleydualenrollment

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