Dual Enrollment - Del Mar & West Valley

CUHSD Partners with West Valley College to Offer FREE College Classes!
This program offers students many benefits
- Dual Enrollment is open to ALL STUDENTS in grades 9-12
- Opportunity to make up credits needed for high school graduation, explore college courses, and earn a head start on college.
- Courses and textbooks are FREE to students, and course offerings change each term.
- Students earn both high school and college credit: each 3-unit West Valley course gives 10 high school credits.
- Courses and units earned transfer to both West Valley College as well as other colleges and universities.
- MATH 105 - Pre-Statistics: students only need a pre-algebra background.
- MATH 4C - Linear Algebra: students must have successfully completed Calculus BC.
Learn more about the program
- Please contact your School Counselor should you have any questions about the West Valley Dual Enrollment program.
Application Deadline
- The application deadline has now passed.
Application Process
To apply, complete the instructions below.
Students must create an account through OpenCCCApply, obtain a California Community College ID number, use that ID to complete a West Valley College application and obtain a West Valley College ID number (this is an important number that you must hold on to), and complete the online Dual Enrollment Application. That application will be sent to your high school counselor who will network with West Valley College’s admissions office. If you have enrolled in one of our courses before, you MUST apply again for this upcoming term.
- Complete an online application at https://www.westvalley.edu/
dual-enrollment/ . (Students who were in the DE program in a previous term are required to complete a new application). Here you will create an OpenCCCApply account. You will receive a CCC ID# (ex: AF861972) via email; this is not your West Valley College ID#. Your CCC ID# will give you access to the online application. - Using your CCC ID#, log into OpenCCCApply through the Apply Now link and complete the West Valley College Application.
- Within 5 minutes – 2 hours you will receive your West Valley College ID# (ex: G08100081) via email. Save this number in a place you can easily access it. You will need this number moving forward. Email the WVC Admissions Office if you do not receive your ID number, wvc.admissions@
westvalley.edu . Include your name, confirmation number, and birthdate. - Click on the link in the email titled, Dual Enrollment | West Valley College to access the Dual Enrollment Application. The application will be sent to Del Mar's School Counselor, Kristie Geist.
- Students will receive an email confirmation of their enrollment and course details before class begins.
Spring 2025 Classes List and Course Descriptions**
NOTE: For more information about these courses, please refer to the course descriptions below.
** Disclaimer: Campbell Union High School District and Del Mar High School cannot be responsible for the content, accuracy or accessibility of external documents and link sites referenced on this web page. External link sites are not supervised by or within the control of CUHSD or Del Mar High School.