All parents/guardians are invited to a Family Night Event on Attendance and School Engagement - Oct 13th at 6:30pm. Families can attend in person or virtually. Thank you for being a part of your child's education! RSVP at and let us know if you can attend. The virtual option link will be posted on our website on Wednesday, at:
You're invited to Feste Del Mar - a musical community event! Our Marching, Concert and Jazz Bands will be competing and would love your support. Events all day Oct 2nd, beginning at 11am.
TONIGHT is the CUHSD Virtual College Fair featuring Out-of-State schools - 6 to 8pm. Register now by clicking on "Read full story". Go Dons! Having tech glitches? Enter this in your browser:
TODAY is SENIOR Family Night at 6pm! Parents and Students are invited to this event about College and Career and Financial Aid. To learn more and view the Senior Calendar, visit:
Today is a Minimum Day! Classes end at 11:55am. Homecoming wraps us tonight with the dance. For important information about the dance, click on "Read full story" or enter in your browser.
It's "Once Upon a Homecoming" at Del Mar - Sept 20 to 24th! Follow along as our students enjoy a week-long event. Catch the highlights at: Various events will be held throughout the week. The Homecoming webpage includes important information about spirit days, and the homecoming rally, game and dance.
Thanks for joining us at our 2021 Virtual Back to School Night! If you missed the event, catch the highlights at: On this webpage, you may view Principal Lopez's presentation and helpful tutorials about Aeries, Canvas and ParentSquare.
Join us TONIGHT at a Tech Support event, from 6-8pm in Rooms 80/81/82. Click "Read full story" to learn more. All are welcome. Bring a device and let's navigate the platforms that help you stay informed and connected to your students.Having tech issues? Please enter in your browser.
Let's Connect, Families! Please take a moment to learn about our communication platforms - Aeries, Canvas, Naviance and ParentSquare. Click "Read full story" to access the Parent Portal. Alternately, you may enter the following in your browser:
We look forward to welcoming all our students back on campus - first day of classes is Wednesday, August 11th! Click "Read full story" to review important documents and required updates. Having tech glitches? Enter in your browser.