Academic Courses » Career Technical Education & SVCTE Courses

Career Technical Education & SVCTE Courses

Career Technical Education (CTE) is a category of study focused on providing vocational training. CTE is offered at Del Mar High School through Academic Course Programming* and/or at SVCTE (Silicon Valley Career Technical Education) Center.
Image of Career Technical Education course pathways for class of 2021 and beyond

Del Mar High School offers the following CTE courses*.


I) Academic Course Programming

General Work Experience Education (GWEE)
Grade 11-12; A-G Requirement - CTE/Applied Arts; UC/CSU Designation - None

This one-year course is designed for seniors and it combines supervised part time employment with academic and skill preparation in the classroom. Students are assisted in acquiring desirable work habits and attitudes. Students meet on the high school campus at least one period per week. Credit is awarded based on the number of hours spent at the paid employment site, their classroom preparation, and in the completion of all paperwork and assignments. Student job placements are part of a specific career pathway, capstone course, or paid internship in the field the student is pursing. The course meets once/week every Thursday at 7:20am at Del Mar.

Prerequisite: Students must be at least 16 years of age and employed by the first class meeting. Jobs must be approved by the instructor.

Credits: 2.5-10 credits per year 

Foods I - Nutrition
Grade 9-12; One-Year Term; A-G Requirement - Applied Arts; UC/CSU Designation - Elective (g)
This course focuses on cooking skills with a heavy emphasis on nutrition. Laboratory experiences, demonstrations, lectures, and skill building exercises provide a high activity-based, low stress format for learning. In addition to cooking skills, students will explore career information and develop skills to make informed food choices. At the end of the course, students take home a recipe collection. Materials donation may be requested.
Foods II - Culinary Arts
Grade 10-12; One-Year Term; A-G Requirement - Applied Arts; UC/CSU Designation - Elective (g)
This course continues from Foods I with a focus on cooking skills with an emphasis on, but not limited to, cooking methods utilizing heat/cold transfers, nutritional science, culinary organization, food science, culinary careers, culinary professionalism, recipe development and costing, menu research and development, business research and development. Laboratory experiences, demonstrations, lectures and skill drills will provide an active and thriving environment in a low stress format for learning. In addition, to cooking skills, student-chefs will utilize career information to make informed culinary decisions. At the end of the course, student-chefs will take with them a culinary repertoire and work ethic that will be transferable to most industries. Materials donation may be requested.
Prerequisite: Foods I
Graphic Publication (Yearbook)
Grade 9-12, One-Year Term; A-G Requirement - English; UC/CSU Designation - None
This course is designed to develop student’s publishing skills. The main objective of the class is to produce a record of the school year by using photographs, graphic artwork, and copy as means of creative communication. Students master a desktop publishing software program, Adobe InDesign. This class is responsible for producing the high school Yearbook.
Video Production I
Grade 9-12; One-Year Term; A-G Requirement - Applied Arts/CTE; UC/CSU Designation - VAPA (f)
This course provides a project-based video media program which guides students to achieve the standards in the Arts, Media and Entertainment Pathway of career technical training by providing students with the technical instruction and practical experiences for aspiring video and film makers in the production of film, video and new media projects. Students experience both the creative and technical aspects of film making in conjunction with learning about historical and contemporary traditions and conventions. Students are instructed on the three stages of project creation. UC/CSU Designation in Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA).
Video Production II
Grade 9-12; One-Year Term; A-G Requirement - Applied Arts/CTE; UC/CSU Designation - VAPA (f)
This course provides a progressive, project-based video media program that builds on the skills learned in Video Production I. Students work individually and as group members in the production of video and new media projects. Students experience the creative and technical elements of filmmaking in the three stages of project creation: pre-production, production, and post-production. An emphasis will be given to project management, oversight and new methods of distribution.
* For more specific course details, please refer to the 2024-25 CUHSD Course Catalog. Should you require additional information, please speak with your teacher or your School Counselor.

II) SVCTE - Silicon Valley Career Technical Education Center


SVCTE educates eligible high school students for success in careers and college in a professional, hands-on environment. There are over 20 Courses offered in various industry sectors where students can explore and develop technical skills that will lead them to higher education or into the workplace. 

SVCTE courses are year-long classes available to 11th and 12th-grade students. Check out their website to read the course descriptions for each class. If you're interested in finding out whether the class meets an A-G requirement, please view their Career Technical Education Courses webpage.  

**Please note that if you intend to participate in after-school sports next year, you may want to consider an AM class instead of a PM class.


How do students get credits? 

  • AM = (7:30 AM to 9:30 AM with one hour flex labs) = 30 credits; 

  • PM = (12:30 PM to 3:30 PM) = 30 credits.

Each Semester is 15 Credits


How many classes would I need to take at Del Mar while in the SVCTE program?


AM Program = maximum of 3 classes at Del Mar.

PM Program =  maximum of 4 classes at Del Mar.


Where is SVCTE located? 


The campus is centrally located in San Jose near Capitol Expressway and Highway 87.

The address is: 760 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose, CA 95136.




SVCTE will pick you up and drop you off for your classes each day (see bus schedule) -- bus schedule subject to change for the 25-26 school year.


SVCTE Campus Tour - Students only


To visit the campus, students sign up for a tour. Your attendance is highly recommended but NOT required at either a Shadow Day at SVCTE or SVCTE Rep Visit at DMHS or an SVCTE Campus Tour in order for you to gain a better understanding of the SVCTE Program.  A Shadow Day at SVCTE is the most recommended. 

  • After you sign up for a Shadow Day and SVCTE Representative will reach out via Email. We recommend that you check your school email often.


School Year 2024-25 Shadow Days 


February 4th

February 6th

February 11th

February 25th

March 4th

March 6th

March 18th

March 20th

April 15th

April 17th


SVCTE Campus Tour - Parents/Guardians only


Parents, Interested Partners, and Educators are welcome to sign up for any tour for SVCTE at any of the given dates. Sign up for a tour. NOTE: Students are NOT allowed on any Open Tours, sign up for the shadow days.

Feb 7th 

March 7th

April 4th


SVCTE Required Registration Request Form


This SVCTE Required Registration Request Form 2025-26 is for current 10th and 11th-grade students only. The form can be found here.

*Before completing this form, please read all sections carefully, failure to complete the survey may cause you to miss an important step in the pre-application process.*

To be considered for the 2025-2026 SVCTE program, students MUST submit this Registration Request Form by March 4, 2025 at 4pm. Submitting this Required SVCTE Registration Request Form DOES NOT guarantee a spot in the SVCTE program. If accepted into the program, your student’s counselor will provide them with instructions to submit the online SVCTE Registration form in March 2025.


SVCTE Presentation at Del Mar High School


An SVCTE representative will be coming to Del Mar High School to present about SVCTE.

If you are interested in enrolling for SVCTE next school year (2025-2026), we highly encourage you to attend the following presentation date.

Date: Friday, February 28th

Time: During Flex

Place: Cafeteria

How to attend: RSVP/Sign in for SVCTE Presentation. Fill out this form to save your spot!

** For a complete list of SVCTE courses, course codes, specific curriculum details, A-G credits, and UC/CSU designations, please visit SVCTE's website, at:  Students interested in SVCTE should contact their School Counselor.  For more general information, please contact SVCTE at (408) 723-6400.