Activities, Clubs & Events » Del Mar Team Recognition Week - May 2024

Del Mar Team Recognition Week - May 2024

staff recognition week may 2024

Congratulations to our Teacher, Classified School Employee, and Volunteer of the Year!

This year, we're excited to celebrate a few special members of the Del Mar Family.
Chef Cole Croghan is this year's Del Mar and District Teacher of the Year. Linda Harvey is this year's District Classified School Employee of the Year for Clerical/Administrative Services. And Shannon Silva is Del Mar's Volunteer of the Year.
Thank you Chef Croghan, Ms. Harvey and Ms. Silva for your dedication and contributions to Del Mar High School. We appreciate you!

A message of thanks from Principal Lopez for celebrating Del Mar's Team!

Thank you for sharing appreciation messages, everyone! We received many notes of thanks and cheer for our Teachers, Aides, Admin Team and Support Staff Members! Messages were shared on our social media platforms and included below.
This week we'll share a few special recognitions. Until then, Principal Lopez shares a huge shoutout to all ...
(Video also available at:



Celebrating our Instructional Aides

Our Aides do so much for our students and families, and we're very thankful for their time and dedication to ensuring all students succeed and have a happy high school experience.